A Lovely Day for an FOR Spring Wildflower Walk

On Sunday, April 12th, spring plant enthusiasts gathered at the John Beltz Retreat Center to do some wildflower spotting. Led by Michael Graziano, a PhD candidate at The Ohio State University, and Carrie Morrow, Assistant Resource Manager at the Columbus & Franklin County Metro Parks, board member on the Ohio Invasive Plants Council Board, and Chair of the Board for Friends of the Ravines, participants found Spring Beauty, Dutchman’s Breeches, Trillium, as well as a number of other lovely specimens.

FOR would like to thank everyone who participated, our gracious guides, and FOR Board Member Sherrill Massey for the following photographs.

Michael Graziano with Spring Wildflower Walk participants.
Michael Graziano with Spring Wildflower Walk participants.


Explaining the origin of the name "Dutchman's Breeches."
Explaining the origin of the name “Dutchman’s Breeches.”


Spring Beauty.
Spring Beauty.

